Cookie Policy


This Cookie Policy represents the Extended Information on Cookies regarding the use of Cookies by the Site (the " Site ") owned by Solodamanduca srl ​​(hereinafter " SOLODAMANDUCA " or " Seller "). , with registered office in Aprilia (LT) Via Arturo Toscanini 114 (cap 04011), VAT no. 02972780593, no. Rea LT-213975, share capital IV euro 80,000.00, email address:

This Cookie Policy constitutes an integral part of the Site's Privacy Policy .

The user may exercise the rights provided for by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and related implementing legislation (hereinafter the "Regulation ” or “Applicable Regulations), by sending the Data Controller a specific communication via email to:

To change the cookie settings, however, the user can proceed by following the instructions later in this information.

The user will be able to express his preferences and consent to the use of cookies, with express acceptance to be performed on the Cookie Banner, or Brief Information on Cookies, which will also provide information relating to the cookies used by this Site.

What are cookies

Cookies are small portions of code used by websites to make the browsing experience more efficient for the User or to pursue various purposes, such as those related to marketing, and are stored on your browser to be reused on subsequent visits. .

Cookies have different functions. There are cookies that are intended to improve the functionality and navigation of this website ("technical cookies"). Others which, however, are used to monitor users while browsing ("statistical analysis cookies"), record information that reveals their interests ("profiling cookies"), analyzing their readings, hobbies, in order to customize the advertising that is shown when he opens the email, browses a social network or other web pages. Cookies are used to personalize content, provide social media features and analyze traffic.

Cookies are also divided into "first-party cookies" or "third-party cookies" depending on whether they are installed respectively by the site visited or by third-party sites.

In his browser the User can set the Privacy preferences so as not to store Cookies, delete them after each visit or every time he closes the browser, or even accept only the Site's Cookies and not those of third parties.

This Site uses technical cookies, statistical analysis cookies, profiling cookies, first and third parties listed later in this information.

Cookies used through this Site

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are those that do not require the User's consent as they are installed to facilitate the User's navigation on the Site and allow him to fully exploit its features. These are first-party cookies as they are installed via the Site and concern navigation, therefore they are cookies that usually remain installed for the duration of the session, at the end of which they are deleted. These also serve to memorize some of the User's preferences on subsequent visits, and for this reason they can remain installed persistently, i.e. until they expire or until the User deletes them.

Third party cookies

Third-party cookies are those installed through third-party tools, such as third-party tools or plugins with respect to the Site. Third-party cookies have various purposes, such as monitoring the use of the site by the User, verifying the geographical origin of the User, the preferences expressed, the browser used, for statistical, marketing and profiling purposes.


Facebook (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)

For further information:

Instagram (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited)
For more information:


Paypal (Paypal Europe S.à.rl et Cie, SCA Inc.)

For further information:

Stripe (Stripe Payment Europe Limited)

For further information: 


Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics is an analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this Site, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google, also through the use of third-party cookies for statistical analysis. The User can object to the use of Google Analytics by refusing consent via the cookie banner or by using the opt out link. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: Ireland and in some cases United States - Cookie Policy - Opt out .

Profiling cookies

Facebook Pixel ( Meta Platforms Ireland Limited )

This site uses the Facebook Pixel, a Facebook conversion tracking tool that connects this Website with the Meta advertising network, including through retargeting and remarketing. To permanently disable the targeting and remarketing functions, simply follow the opt out link. Personal Data collected: Cookies; Usage data. Place of processing: Ireland and in some cases UNITED STATES - Cookie Policy - Opt out

Elimination and deactivation of cookies from browsers

Each user can manage their browser settings to manage cookie settings by following the links below.

Rights of interested parties

Interested parties have the right to exercise the faculties provided for in the articles. 7, 15-22 of the Regulations.

In particular, Users have the right to obtain: access, updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data; the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; the certification that the above operations have been brought to the attention, also with regard to their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

Furthermore, Users have the right to withdraw consent at any time, if the processing is based on their consent, to request data portability, i.e. to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and readable by an automatic device), to request the limitation of the processing of personal data and/or cancellation ("right to be forgotten"), as well as the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him and to the processing for the purpose of sending advertising material, direct sales and for carrying out market research.

Pursuant to the Applicable Regulations, the Owners inform that Users have the right to obtain indication (i) of the origin of the personal data; (ii) the purposes and methods of processing; (iii) the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; (iv) the identification details of the Data Controllers and managers; (v) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as managers or agents.

Interested parties may exercise their rights by sending a specific communication to the Data Controller via email to: 

Interested parties, if they believe that the processing concerning them violates the Regulation, also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor as supervisory authority regarding the protection of personal data (Guarantor for the protection of personal data, with headquarters in Piazza Venezia no. 11 - 00187 – Rome ( ).

Further information

The Owner, with reference to cookies installed directly by the Site, specifies the following:

– the data is collected only for the purposes and duration indicated and is processed using IT methods;

– the use of technical cookies does not require the user's prior consent as these are cookies necessary to allow navigation within the Site and the correct functioning of the Site itself. In case of removal of technical cookies through the browser settings, navigation within the Site may not be possible, in whole or in part;

– the data collected by first-party cookies may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of the Data Controller as data controllers or processors, for purposes related to those described above. With respect to such data, we remind you that you can exercise the rights referred to in the art. 13 of the GDPR, as better described in the Privacy Policy .

Below is the detailed list of cookies installed through the Site .